Friday, November 23, 2012

Reading Reflection #10

                Reflection is acknowledged as being essential element in learning. Taking time to reflect helps students feel good about their accomplishments, but more importantly, reflection can be the thing that makes learning really stick. When students create their own meaning, it’s important that they look at it from all sides while meaning is taking shape, and then view it from a distance, too, as they get ready to step beyond the experience to the next learning challenge. Setting aside time for conscious reflection helps students reveal things they might not otherwise think about such as what they learned, their growth as learners, and what they want to learn in projects ahead.

                Students need to reflect and elaborate because they can look at the topic from all sides while meaning is taking shape, and then view it from a distance as they get ready to step beyond the experience to the next learning challenge and where or what more they want to learn more about the topic. By reflecting and elaborating, the students get to thinking deeper about the subject at hand. What does this get them wondering about next? What do they want to learn now, and how do they want to go about it? Students can create more projects themselves to get a deeper understanding and have a sense of pride doing their project since it’s their own responsibility.
                Schools build tradition and identity. Your class can establish a tradition of exemplary project work. Part of the recipe is building awareness in others. You have a foundation for tradition when families, the community, and students coming up through the grades know what you are up to. Younger students will be ready for the learning that awaits them. Students can anticipate the time when they get to a part of your classroom tradition. People in the community begin to notice and value students’ accomplishments and give you enthusiastic support.

                Celebrating a project is celebrating learning. This build’s your school’s identity as a place where kids get to learn through projects. By celebrating projects, students feel a sense of accomplishment and pride by displaying their projects during the celebration. Through this celebration, it encourages students to continue to do projects and to make a deeper understanding of the topic at hand.
                The concepts in this chapter relate to our project by having our students reflect on the assignments and projects they did with our project. By reflecting, students can reveal things they may not otherwise think about. It’s also important for us as teacher because it’s an opportunity to look back one more time, acknowledge of how hard work and commitment contributed to the success of the project and a culture of excellence at our school, and to give students a sense of pride on their projects.


  1. I agree with everything you have written. Taking time to reflect does bring up more questions or information that might have been over looked. I think as well that creating an identity towards a project will help the pride and accomplishment with working on that project.

  2. Reflecting is so important I agree to bring up more questions or ideas that have been pushed aside or over looked. Celebrate everything the students accomplished this will build identity in the classroom and even get students excited for the next project/topic.
